Lively town centres

What tools should the Metropolis put in place to help communes that want to revitalise their town centre?

View along Avenue Paul Vaillant Couturier, La Courneuve © Apur - David Boureau

On 18th May, Patrick Ollier, Chairman of the Métropole du Grand Paris launched the intitiative “Lively town centres” intended to bring both private and public metropolitan key players together, to encourage networking, the exchange of good practices and to mobilise expert assessments. 

A work group was set up in August assisted by Apur and IAU to consider the Metropole’s modes of action to help communes wanting to revitalise their town centres. A number of work sessions followed during autumn 2017. 

The aim was to propose action strategies as close as possible to the challenges facing communes.


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    Lively town centres

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