The inclusion of disabled children in schools - Profiles and recent developments in Paris

The analysis of the inclusion of children who are disabled into schools in Paris shows that the vast majority do have access to education in mainstream schools.

© / Skynesher

Copiloted by the health and social services organisation - Direction de l’action sociale, de l’enfance et de la santé (DASES) and the Paris Urbanism Agency (Apur), the Parisian Observatory of Disability (OPH) brings together a score or so of partners and enables numerous facts and figures to be gathered and exchanged about disabled people’s various situations and their inclusion. 

On the occasion of the Observatory’s tenth anniversary and in the context of the Parisian month for the disabled, half a day of dialogue on recent work and possible studies to come took place on Tuesday 19th June 2018 at the City Hall - Hôtel de Ville de Paris. Two works were produced, a note on the inclusion of disabled children in schools with profiles and developments in Paris and a study on disability in Paris including analyses and recent trends.  

Since the 2005 law (n°2005-102) on equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of disabled people, each school has the responsibility to accept all children, whatever their situation may be.

8700 disabled children attend mainstream schools in Paris, a number that has been  increasing rapidly (+80%) over the last 5 years. This represents 3% of all pupils in Parisian schools, a proportion which is slightly higher than the national average (2%). 

8 pupils out of 10 attend ordinary classes and 2 pupils out of 10 have mixed schooling (mainstream and specially adapted classes or Specialised Units for Inclusive Schooling “Ulis”). In Paris 53 Primary schools have Ulis classes, 74 middle schools -collèges- and 8 high schools -lycées-, which represent 14% of all Parisian schools.

L'inclusion scolaire des enfants en situation de handicap © Apur


Documents to download

  • Note

    The inclusion of disabled children in schools - Profiles and recent developments in Paris

    Format : pdf, 4.3 MB

Maps to download

  • Map

    Specialised Units for Inclusive Schooling “Ulis” in Paris 2016 - 2017

    Format : pdf, 1.65 MB