Energy Atlas of Greater Paris - Grand Paris - Consumption // production // future trends and challenges

The health crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic has shown how robust and resilient the metropolitan, Ile-de-France and national energy system is when faced with a requirement curve that suddenly rose when the country went into lockdown. This period also reminds one how vulnerable our society is and how hugely dependant it is on the “exterior” on whatever scale one cares to consider.  

Thermal solar panels on a roof-terrace - 179 bis quai de Valmy 75010 Paris © Apur

It is imperative to reach the objectives fixed by the Metropolitan Climate Air Energy Plan in order to reinforce the territory and be able to rise to these new challenges, particularly to climate change: increased restraint with consumption divided by half, more use of sustainable energy and energy recovery (going from 12% in 2012 to 61% in 2050, 1/3 of which will be produced locally), and continually growing resilience, are a few of the main guidelines lines of the target strategy. 

Métropole du Grand Paris’ energy consumption in 2015 was 106 TW-h or 90 TW-h excluding transport. 83% of this energy was provided by the major electrical and gaz networks. A total of over 90% of this energy was imported. In order to reach the target objectives, all resources should be mobilised (energy saving potential as well as recyclable and recovery energy systems). The energy system should also provide for new needs linked to urban projects, transport projects, the rise of digital technology and the growing need for cooling. It is therefore a question of adjusting and evolving the way of seeing and running the energy system by considering it globally (thinking of one multi-energy system as opposed to numerous energy systems) and as hybrid (developing local solutions while maintaining the robustness of the global system).

It is in this direction that a Metropolitan Master Energy Plan (SDEM) is orientated, instigated by Métropole du Grand Paris at the end of 2019. In preparation for this plan, this cartographic atlas, based on numerous work projects carried out by the Agency, aims to present the established systems and the major issues linked to energy while taking into consideration the diversity of different areas within the metropolis.

Infographie - Atlas de l’énergie dans le Grand Paris – consommation // production // tendances et enjeux de demain © Apur


Documents to download

  • Study

    Energy Atlas of Greater Paris - Grand Paris - Consumption // production // future trends and challenges

    Format : pdf, 83.79 MB

Maps to download

  • Map

    A Local Energy Plan for the Greater Paris -Métropole du Grand Paris-

    Format : pdf, 959.61 KB