COP26 Health Pavilion - Webinar "Sustainable transport systems, climate action and healthy urban environments"

Olivier Richard , geographer-urbanist, director of studies of Paris Urbanism Agency (Apur) will speak on 8/11 during the round-table "Sustainable transport systems, climate action and healthy urban environments"


Health Events at COP 26 © WWF

The global health community is driving transformational change to protect the health of people and the planet. WHO and its partners are organizing a wide range of events at the UN climate conference COP26, to ensure that health and equity are placed at the center of climate negotiations.

The COP26 Health Pavilion will offer a rich 2-week program of over 60 events, showcasing evidence, initiatives and solutions to maximize the health benefits of addressing climate change across regions, sectors and communities. Most of the events will be broadcast live and recordings will be available on this website.

It is in this context that Dominique Alba will speak at the round table devoted to sustainable transport systems.

These systems are essential for the development of healthy urban environments that address climate action concerns. Mobilizing the transport sector for health and climate is particularly valuable in cities, due to their densely populated areas, heavy traffic and vulnerability to climate change.

The event will include the launch of the recently updated global HEAT tool and the launch of the country profiles on health and climate change. The event will address sustainable, climate-sensitive and health-oriented transport systems that prioritize walking, cycling and public transport; supporting a rapid and healthy energy transition through increased use of clean fuels and modes of transport; and integrate health into urban and transport planning, while reducing health inequalities.

Webconference registration

More detailed information on Health Pavilion events can be found here.

Live streaming of all events from the COP26 Health Pavilion can be viewed here.
