44th national meeting of urban planning agencies - No ecological reorientation without cultural recomposition of territories

Denial is followed by vertigo. The refusal to see the world collapse – with a climate that is spiraling out of control, living things withering away, resources being exhausted and inequalities widening – leads to disorientation. Once again vulnerable and deprived of the benchmarks forged by modernity, humanity will have to reinvent its ways of living on earth.

© 44ème rencontre nationale des agences d’urbanisme

Global change is not a passing crisis. Isolated technical, economic or social adjustments will not be enough to regain “the balances of yesteryear” as discussions on transitions and resilience sometimes suggest. The situation is dizzying because the ecological reorientation essential to saving human habitation of the planet promises to be a historic moment of redesign of worlds and reinvention of our territories.